Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A little about me

Welcome to Cooking Frugal. My name is Catherine and I'll be serving up tips and tricks for saving money while still making delicious food for your friends and family. Here's a little about me so you can get an idea of what perspective I am coming from.

I'm single.
I'm a woman.
I live on my own in a 2 bedroom apartment.
I live very close to the town where I grew up and about 20 minutes from my parents.
I have a boyfriend that likes to EAT.
I grew up watching my mom stretch a dollar as far as it could go.
I love to cook and to a lesser extent, bake.
I do not like to follow a recipe.
I cook like I am cooking for an army.
I L-O-V-E leftovers.
I love anything from Mexican, Italian, or Chinese cuisines.
I like to buy in bulk, but finding storage space is always a challenge.
I have a hard time passing up a good deal.
I read a LOT of personal finance and general frugality blogs.
I hope to provide some new information to all of you through this blog.

1 comment:

The Farmer Files said...

Aloha Catherine! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Oooh there is something I just found out...the Kapiolani Community College, near Diamond Head has a culinary school. The food looks to die for...they have such a casual dining and a fine dining restaurant. One day before we leave the island (we are looking at the next few months) I am going to take the Hubs there to eat!!! Watch for that's coming!!!